Company details

Company name: Sofecta Oy
Address: Fredrikinkatu 61 a, 00100 Helsinki
Business-ID: 28208305
VAT-ID: FI2820830-5

Electronic invoicing details

To help minimize paper waste we are using electronic invoicing with Procountor. We hope that you help us with this by sending invoices electronically.

E-invoice details

Operator: Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487) 
E-invoice address: 003728208305
OVT-code: 003728208305

Scanning service for paper invoices

Sofecta Oy (Apix scanning service)
P.O. Box 16112

please add the above address to the invoice as well as the envelope. Do not send any other material (marketing, information leaflets, etc.), this is ONLY for scanning paper invoices when you can’t use e-invoicing. 

For e-mail scans use the address: